6 mistakes you should avoid on your CV

6 mistakes you should avoid on your CV. Writing a resume can be difficult for you. Take it as a creative exercise in memory and introspection. You will see that once you specify the information you must capture and order it, you only have to think about how to present it. The aesthetics of the resume are very important: go for a simple design that is easy to read and pleasing to the eye.

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Remember that it is important to adapt the resume to each job offer, which is why it is essential to have a base document where you can add or eliminate qualities or experiences that are more or less relevant depending on the position. This will make our candidacy more solid and, therefore, we will have more chances of entering a selection process.

Next, we will show you the most common mistakes we make when writing our resume. These are errors that detract from the value and strength of our candidacy, so take note!

DO NOT use an email account that is not professional

In this post we tell you how to create your email account in case you don’t have one yet. It is an obligatory tool in the 21st century and it is even more so in the job search. Plus, it’s free! Companies look for people familiar with technology and an email is the first step.

Believe it or not, your email address gives a lot of information about you. Avoid using your year of birth and/or any diminutive that your family or friends usually say to you (Example: luci89@…). Make sure that your address exudes professionalism and go for something as simple as your last name or initials (Example: lucía.navarro@… Or l.navarro@…). Also try to make the addresses easy to remember and spell. You probably have to give your email to more than one person over the phone.

DO NOT omit information because you think your CV is too long

If you consider that something is important and should appear on your CV, do not delete it by trying to fit everything on a single page. It is true that it is always said that one-page CVs are better, but there are always tricks to make everything fit and it should not just involve deleting information.

Is your professional life very long? Are you a senior profile and have you had different jobs throughout your career? Try a different layout, shorten the margins and learn to synthesize. Remember that you must customize your CV for each job offer, so there may be certain information that you can omit depending on which job.

Don’t get obsessed with everything fitting on one page. When it comes to senior profiles, two pages is usually normal.

DO NOT choose a complex template

It is true that our CV must be original, but that does not mean that it must be complex and with a thousand colors. Many times the simple and elegant adds more. Remember that our base CV should be easy to modify, but also easy to read; Therefore, embarking on complex templates, in addition to taking up a lot of your time, can harm you when submitting your application for an offer.

Important: DO NOT forget to always send your resume in PDF format. It will give a more professional image.

Not only aesthetics matter

It is true that CVs are eye-catching, but the most important thing is the information you reflect and how you do it. Use action verbs that describe your responsibilities in each of the jobs you have had. Another good idea is to highlight the achievements that you consider important in different positions, it will also help you when you have to answer questions from Human Resources staff. They always ask you about your greatest achievement or difficulty.

DO NOT include your LinkedIn profile

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, you should start thinking about opening an account now. Companies look for people familiar with technology and social networks, even if the position offered does not require related tasks.

LinkedIn is the professional social network par excellence. Not only does it allow you to upload all the information from your work life, but you can contact all types of professionals and follow their activity. At the same time, you can keep an eye on the companies that you like the most and thus be aware of the positions that open up.

DON’T forget about soft skills

Soft skills are mandatory in today’s jobs. Companies look for people with skills such as communication skills, flexibility, leadership, motivation, patience, teamwork and much more. These skills are not always acquired in the academic or work environment, so they can always give you a topic of conversation in the interview and a bonus of originality. Maybe during the volunteering you did last year, you learned how to coordinate a team; or in your Tuesday afternoon painting classes you have developed your creativity and patience; Or is it taking care of your siblings that has taught you to be so decisive.

Don’t forget that your conditions or activities outside the world of work can help you a lot when looking for a job and knowing what skills you can offer companies. Check out our #YouAreWhatYouLike Guide and you will see how you have many more qualities than you thought.


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