Believe in natural beauty and create it

Believe in natural beauty and create it. It is possible to maintain the natural beauty of the face and body without makeup and surgery, using natural materials and interesting techniques. Show yourself more beautiful with these tricks.

Believe in natural beauty and create it

Charm & beauty make a face a lasting and beautiful image. But why do they say one face is beautiful and the other is ugly, and do cosmetic surgeons and cosmetics manufacturers make it beautiful and attractive with the changes and colours and blues they give to a person’s face?

Charm, youth and beauty make a face a lasting and beautiful image. But why do they say one face is beautiful and the other is ugly, and do cosmetic surgeons and cosmetics manufacturers make it beautiful and attractive with the changes and colours and blues they give to a person’s face?

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A person’s beauty may change for a variety of reasons. Including aging, accidents, injuries, birth defects, but why do those who have natural beauty seek to change their current situation?

Beauty indices vary from person to person, and the gap between these differences is often a fine line between beauty and ugliness. Global research shows that 9 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their current situation. They are looking for a change in their face.

In our country, Iran, this situation is also true, so that the highest number of cosmetic surgeries is performed in the Middle East in Iran, and Iran has the highest per capita consumption of cosmetics after Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that excessive use of these substances even causes the natural freshness and beauty of the skin to be lost. Performing some surgeries is like walking on the edge of a razor, perhaps by doing some of these things instead. Climbing the peak of beauty can have irreparable consequences.

This is a problem that, if left unchecked, could lead to a major crisis for the health of society. Norms. Do not show much more attractive?

Is there anyone who does not like smooth skin with silky hair like Bollywood star models? Certainly not; But first, he must pay attention to his lifestyle.

Why not try some natural and home remedies?

Our skin plays a very important role in enhancing beauty, so maintaining the beauty and health of the skin is very important, healthy skin makes us look 10 years younger than we are. I guess all women want to look young and fresh. Today we bring you some simple and easy treatments to get healthy skin in this section of moisturizing skin and hair:

Reminder tips:

Before you go for home remedies and try them, let’s take a look at some essentials for having beautiful and flawless skin.

  • Before going to bed, remove your makeup thoroughly, which is one of the most important steps in having radiant skin.
  • Regular cleansing and moisturizing of the skin is one of the most important tips for having fresh skin.
  • Another important step in removing dead skin cells is exfoliation, which removes dead skin cells that have grown and grown over time.
  • Do this once or twice a week.
  •  Use sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
  •  Facial masks also help a lot to skin health.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat vegetables and green fruits that will naturally keep your skin fresh.

Should not be a natural beauty:

  • Do not use cosmetics on the market that are not known as they may greatly damage your skin.
  • Use a moisturizer during the summer, although you may not feel dry skin , a moisturizer will be necessary to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Do not leave the house from 11 am to 3 pm or be sure to use sunscreen, this is the time of day when the sun’s rays are at their strongest and can have adverse effects on your skin.

Having beautiful skin is the dream of every woman for whom you work hard and spend a lot of money to have radiant and fresh skin. But pollution, climate change, and the chemicals in cosmetics greatly affect our skin.

natural beauty


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