How The Effect of Sleep on Female Beauty

How The Effect of Sleep on Female Beauty Hand nothing beautifies a woman so much as a healthy complexion, a clear sparkling look, cheerfulness, and activity. None of this can be achieved without daily deep sleep.

Science has long established that good sleep is necessary for every woman to maintain beauty and health. At rest, a person’s tissue regeneration improves, the body recovers, and tunes in to the labor exploits of the next day. In a dream, the skin is restored after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and the body produces more protein, which is necessary for the construction of muscles, cells, and hair.

The stress that a woman experiences is not always associated with her emotionality: it is enough not to get enough sleep once, as the sugar level immediately rises, the body begins to work for wear, and pressure rises. With regular lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, cycle failure, and metabolic disorders are possible.

Those who are struggling with excess weight are recommended to sleep at least 8-9 hours in a cool room. The lower the temperature in the bedroom, the more calories the body burns.

Also Read: 5 Tips to Wake up Easier

Sleep rules for female beauty:

Sleep on Female Beauty

1) Going to bed should occur at the same time. You need to take as much sleep as you need to recover. 8 hours is an average figure. For some people, 7 hours is enough, and some feel overwhelmed if they do not sleep for 9 hours.

2) Sprinkling is harmful. Having slept more than required, a person feels overwhelmed. There is a shift in the usual routine, and the next night he will go to bed later than usual. Oversleeping is just as bad for the body as lack of sleep.

3) Yoga, fitness, outdoor walking and swimming promote deep and sound sleep. However, do not develop physical activity 3 hours before bedtime.

4) After 16-18 hours it is undesirable to drink coffee and strong tea. Caffeine excites the body. On weekdays, alcohol should be abandoned altogether, and on holidays, if there is a desire and need, drink in small doses at least 5 hours before bedtime. From liquids, it is better to give preference to herbal preparations, kefir, plain water.

5) Sleep in a dark, ventilated room. Thick curtains in the bedroom will help the body sleep better. In the dark, the hormone melatonin is produced, which regulates the process of wakefulness and sleep, affects the activity of the endocrine system, slows down aging, and regulates the female cycle.

6) An hour or two before bedtime, you can take a soothing bath. The water should not be too hot. Bath should not be taken more often 2-3 times in 7 days.

7) A lot of cosmetics manufacturers produce two types of creams: day and night. Day creams build a protective barrier between the skin and the aggressive environment. Night creams contain nourishing and skin-restoring elements that are especially effective during sleep.

8) Eliminate sources of noise from the bedroom (for example, a loud ticking clock), read a book before going to bed. It is better to refuse active work at the computer before going to bed. Set the alarm clock to pleasant music, prepare warm slippers next to the bed, which you will wear in the morning.

By following these simple tips, in a week any woman will look fresh and attractive.


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