HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET: There are many people who want to get rid of the world order we live in and the borders dictated by it and live an alternative life. Some individuals have a wanderlust, some dream of living in seclusion and alone, while some dream of staying at home with their loved ones.Although everyone has a distinct desire, they are all united by the idea of eschewing the offices that limit mobility and earning the money that will somehow change your life while controlling your own schedule.We want to outline the most well-liked online income streams and demonstrate that it is possible to fulfil one’s aspirations.

Is Making Money Online For You? What Can You Expect?

Before beginning;We want to be clear about one thing to prevent disappointment: working hard is not a good strategy to become wealthy.Additionally, it is not appropriate for people who just wish to work less.Let me emphasise that.On the other hand, you will probably put in far more effort than you would in a salaried position because you own your own firm.It’s not always less serious because it’s done online.Online businesses must adhere to the same rules as traditional ones when it comes to things like a company calendar, client satisfaction, and business follow-up. The only difference is that it gives you the freedom of space and time, which in our opinion is a great achievement and a factor that removes many obstacles to dreams.

Finally, there are some good ones that have turned some of the following into careers, but we suggest that you view them simply as additional methods to raise funds for the things you want to do.

YOUTUBE – Be the boss of your own channel

How much do you estimate 1 million YouTube views will bring in?Unfortunately, Turkey does not generate a 4-digit advertising income from even 1 million views.The actual issue is how to get to a significant number like 1 million views.because expanding on YouTube is difficult, much like expanding a website.Your objective should be to upload films that people will watch if you’re considering YouTube as a commercial venture.Therefore, quantity is more important than quality.For instance, people watch pointless playlists of videos of absurd fights or animal battles.We are unsure of how they get around copyright laws. If you want to completely remove copyrights from being a problem, consider a theme that you can easily shoot and edit in your home. For example, cooking videos or how-to or DIY (do it yourself) videos are very easy and watched, but they also have many competitors. Growing a channel is not easy. No reliance on ads either. The best possibility is to walk this path with brand collaborations.

ONLINE PUBLISHING – Manage your own website

You might create a website on a specialised subject you are knowledgeable about. The simplicity with which Word Press makes it possible to create websites has already been noted. Here, it’s crucial that you concentrate on a certain topic, like football or makeup. For instance, writing a recipe, applying makeup, and doing needlework all at once is not a good idea. However, creating a website requires a lot of time and work, and earning money takes a long time. The Google advertising spots are the primary source of revenue for websites. If you want to earn a substantial income, you must have a website that is clicked 1 million times a month. But growing up to 1 million clicks means years of effort and investment. In addition, the website has a lot of expenses such as hosting, domain name, plug-ins. Or you can try to get ads on your website yourself.

ETSY , eBAY , INSTAGRAM – Sell your handiwork or what you bring from abroad

Once when travelling through Thailand, we met a man who buys jewellery while there in the winter and sells it when he returns to Turkey in the summer, either online or in his own store. The time is much more comfortable to accomplish this now since you can create your business online and not worry about paying rent. You might have noticed that a lot of individuals are now making money off of Instagram. Your entryway to the world may be found on Etsy and eBay. Both involve people uploading their desired goods to the marketplace and waiting for buyers to show up.. It’s very likely that you already know about Ebay, so we’ll go straight to Etsy. Etsy is a design / local product / craft sales platform that we love to shop.  

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